Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My Frozen Banana Dessert Reward

Life Lesson for today:
For all things to balance there must always be a reward

Today was another step forward on my journey back to being healthy and an important part of feeling whole again as well.  In the midst of my health issues, I had to add a trip to the dentist.

Finally beginning to see evidence that the hard work and sacrifices to clear psoriasis from my hands is paying off. There was a mini flare last week - very intense yet cleared up quickly. First in two months yes I see results and feel hope.

The change of food in my diet has helped, so has focus - letting go and not worrying and stressing over stuff I have no control. Stress is a big trigger. This past week was stressful as life can be sometimes. 

Since going to the dentist was stressful, I decided to reward myself with an extra sweet treat by throwing a frozen banana in the food processor. This is so easy to do and a great way to use those overripe bananas you have in the freezer waiting for you to be inspired to use them. Simply break bananas into several pieces, toss in the processor and blend on low several minutes.

The result is both healthy and delicious!

I even tossed in a slice of the pumpkin bread I had made over the weekend for good measure then I drizzled it with honey and a dusting of cinnamon. I like to place my bowl in the freezer while I clean up and wash my processor because it makes it taste all the more like ice-cream!

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